Solar Hot Water
With a shifting focus towards environmental issues, sustainability and rising costs, it is becoming increasingly more popular to explore different options to heat water. Solar hot water being on the top of that list.
Due to the abundance of sun in South East Queensland, solar makes an excellent choice to significantly reduce power bills. A long term investment that pays itself off.
Heat Pump
The technology behind the heat pump hot water system isn’t new, and yet few realise the power and efficiency that it provides to heat your water.
The heat pump technology gathers heat from outside ambient air temperature and warms the water in a storage tank.
While there may be more upfront costs with installing a heat pump, this type of system will allow you to have low cost hot water all year round.
Electric and Gas
The most common hot water systems are gas or electric powered and either storage based or instantaneous.
Electric storage systems are used by around 50% of Australian households. They are the cheapest to buy and install but generally more expensive to run, unless powered by a solar system.
Gas hot water systems have medium-to-high purchase, installation and running costs. They are usually installed outdoors because of venting requirements. Natural gas is currently not available on the Sunshine Coast so you would need to source LPG for your gas hot water system.
Storage Based: Water stored in a tank and kept hot, ready at all times. Off-peak systems only heat during off-peak times.
Instantaneous: Water is heated only as required and not stored in a tank.